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What is Geriatric Physiotherapy?

What is Geriatric Physiotherapy?

Geriatric physiotherapy is a specialized field of physical therapy tailored specifically for the unique needs of older adults. This form of therapy aims to help seniors maintain their independence, improve their quality of life, and enhance their physical capabilities. As you age, your body naturally undergoes various changes, which can lead to decreased mobility, strength,…

What is Stroke Physiotherapy?

What is Stroke Physiotherapy?

Stroke can be a life-changing event, causing physical and neurological impairments that impact an individual’s ability to perform daily activities. However, there is hope for stroke survivors to regain movements and functional capacity through the power of neuro physiotherapy.  This specialized form of physiotherapy focuses on rehabilitation techniques that aim to restore movements, improve function,…

What is Male Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy?

What is Male Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy?

Are you experiencing discomfort or pain in your pelvic area? Are you struggling with urinary or bowel incontinence? If so, you may benefit from male pelvic floor physiotherapy. This specialized form of physiotherapy targets the pelvic floor muscles, which play a crucial role in supporting the bladder, bowel, and sexual function. If you’re experiencing pelvic…

Treating Scoliosis with Physiotherapy: A Guide to a More Comfortable Life

Treating Scoliosis with Physiotherapy: A Guide to a More Comfortable Life

Scoliosis is a condition that affects the curvature of the spine, causing it to bend sideways.  This curvature can develop during childhood or adolescence and may lead to various health issues if left untreated.  Fortunately, physiotherapy offers effective techniques and tools to manage scoliosis, enabling individuals to live fulfilling lives with reduced discomfort. At Trimetrics…

Living with Scoliosis: 12 Practical Tips for a Pain-Free Daily Life

Living with Scoliosis: 12 Practical Tips for a Pain-Free Daily Life

Living with scoliosis can present unique challenges in our daily lives.  However, with the right knowledge and practical tips, individuals with scoliosis can navigate everyday activities more comfortably and confidently.  At Trimetrics Physiotherapy we specialize in scoliosis management, and we understand the importance of empowering patients with the tools they need to thrive.  In this…

Neck Stiffness: Causes, Treatments, & Prevention Tips

Neck Stiffness: Causes, Treatments, & Prevention Tips

Neck stiffness is a common yet disruptive problem that affects many people across the globe. It can stem from various causes, ranging from poor posture to more serious conditions like osteoarthritis.  Here at Trimetrics Physiotherapy in North Vancouver, our team of professionals is committed to helping you understand your condition, manage your symptoms, and recover…

What is Neuro Physiotherapy? A Comprehensive Guide

What is Neuro Physiotherapy? A Comprehensive Guide

Navigating the world of neuro physiotherapy can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. This specialized branch of physiotherapy focuses on treating individuals with conditions that affect the brain and central nervous system.  Let’s delve deeper into what neuro physiotherapy entails and how it can help. Understanding Neurological Physiotherapy Neurological physiotherapy is a rehabilitation…

Understanding Chronic Pain: Causes, Effects, and Treatments

Understanding Chronic Pain: Causes, Effects, and Treatments

Do you suffer from chronic pain? Are you feeling frustrated and hopeless because nothing seems to help? You are not alone. Chronic pain is a real issue for many people, but it doesn’t have to be an insurmountable one. What is Chronic Pain? At Trimetrics, we understand the difficulty of living with chronic pain, and…

How Can IMS Help Relieve Chronic Pain? Benefits & Treatment Options

How Can IMS Help Relieve Chronic Pain? Benefits & Treatment Options

Often we treat pain without bothering with its definition. The majority of all pain patients recover quickly from their injuries; in fact, more than 90% will be fully functional within eight weeks simply because of the body’s ability to heal itself, regardless of treatment. Are you suffering from chronic pain? If so, you’re not alone….

Harnessing the Power of Physiotherapy and Exercise to Reduce Chronic Pain

Harnessing the Power of Physiotherapy and Exercise to Reduce Chronic Pain

Are you living with chronic musculoskeletal pain? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us struggle daily with this condition and it can be difficult to know where to turn for help. Fortunately, there are strategies that can help manage the pain and improve quality of life. In this blog post we’ll discuss: With these…